Is it time to de-clutter your wardrobe?
Clearing out your wardrobe can save you time and bags of money!
“I have nothing to wear” is a comment many women make when they open their wardrobe. 9 out of 10 clients tell us they have many items in their wardrobe they never wear. Sound familiar?
Before you move your summer items out and your winter items in, the turn of the season is a good time to de-clutter. You may have heard of the capsule wardrobe, this concept works well if you want your wardrobe to work for you.
All you need to do is take a few tips to get started.
Allow yourself a couple of hours. Pull everything out of the wardrobe. As you do, justify each item and it’s reason for being in there.
Does it need to be there? How often do you wear it?
Put the items in to one of three piles:
To Keep: You wear these items often or know of an occasion you will
To Go: Now you’ve pulled them out of the wardrobe, you know they’ve had their day!
Unsure: Don’t spend too long thinking about which pile to put the items in, if you really can’t decide or want to keep the item but not sure why, put them in this pile
Next...put all of your ‘To Keep’ items back in the wardrobe in order of type (bottoms together, tops together etc). Try clothes on as you go to help you find new outfits you wouldn’t normally choose in a rush, this is often the only time you’ll do this and when your wardrobe is in good order, you’ll find it much easier to select a different outfit each day rather the the same things over and over again.
Then, go to your ‘Unsure’ pile and be brutal in your decisions to keep or ditch the item.
Finally, put the pile ‘To Go’ in a bin liner out if sight and decide which good home you would like it to go to. Consider having a clothes party, giving it to charity or if you’re creative make something you will wear!
It takes a little practice putting outfits together but will always save you time on the day you want to wear it if you plan ahead. To inspire you, below are a few ideas of using just one item in different ways. Apply this to many items in your wardrobe and you’ll be on your way to a capsule wardrobe opening the doors to
“ What shall I wear today?”
HELP! Let an expert do the work for you...
If you need help in the wardrobe department, would like to know how to make the most of the clothes you own and save money click here to get excited about our Wardrobe Consultation with a Personal Stylist of your own!
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