So, the whirlwind of Bristol Fashion Week is over and it's time to have a sit down and a cup of tea. Right? Well it's probably more likely back to the hustle and bustle of the styling world but we had a great few days over at The Mall, Cribbs Causeway!
We were offering quick 10-15 minute style and colour consultations to the lovely women of Bristol. We were also giving 20% off full consultations that were booked during BFW.
We had some great questions and we'll be putting together some posts in the future answering a lot of them! We had a problem jar where women could write down their main issues with clothes or style so we could answer them for other people on the blog as opposed to just them at the event.
This Hobbs jacket was a firm favourite with loads of the ladies that we saw, the mustard colour was perfect for warm toned, dark haired ladies and the cut was beautiful.
Hopefully you came and got some answers for some of your style woes! If not, and you're still stuck in a rut or wondering how you can spice up your wardrobe why not book in a consultation with one of our stylists?

As you can see we were very smiley stylists on the Thursday.
Do you think we can get #smileystylists trending?
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