
22 May 2014

La Perla Removes Mannequins with Visible Ribs from their Stores

La Perla is a lingerie store in Soho, New York who dared to use a mannequin with exposed ribs. The power of Twitter ensured that the mannequin in question was removed due to the controversy surronding the area. The #NotBuyingIt campaign quickly spiralled and began trending forcing the store to take action.

We personally believe that each body shape and size should be represented in retail stores to visually show varying female forms and how different figures can easily wear styles and trends. This does not exclude smaller frames as some healthy women are naturally slim however, exposing ribs is going a little too far and portrays an unhealthy representation. The visible ribs will have forced women to avoid the store due to feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.

What are your thoughts on the issue? Why do you think that La Perla chose to use a mannequin with exposed ribs?


  1. An interesting post, thank you for highlighting the issue. If one takes your point that some healthy women are naturally slim, then it could be argued that La Perla are simply representing one section of society. However, given the prominence already given to slender women in fashion, it is doubtful that they are merely doing some sort of civic duty. This mannequin perpetuates the assumption that this look is ideal for everyone- people who weren’t naturally born with this set up should aspire to this type of physique.

    How topical, as another company is also making headlines by airbrushing out a model’s waist. ( I confess I chuckled when I first saw the ad (it’s just so preposterous), but it's not funny. This is important. When we forgive so-called imperfections in others, it becomes that little bit easier to accept ourselves. This woman isn't flawed- she's a human with a waist, not to mention the confidence to model a bikini. Yet somebody thought they had to "fix" her. I want all women to feel beautiful, and for us to see the exquisiteness in each other. My heart goes out to the model.

    Neither of these sorts of things help women to have healthy bodies or body images, but I think it’s important to notice the difference in the two examples: One is about a real person, one isn’t. There’s nothing wrong with “self-improvement” regimens, so long as they actually do make people feel better. It’s doubtful that trying to attain sticky-out ribs, when you haven’t already got them, is of that nature. The same goes for literally not having a waist, but at least we can all see that the latter is impossible. Ironically, perhaps this makes the mannequin all the more sinister, because some will try to copy this biologically achievable look, despite her being the one who’s not actually real. It's a cliché for a reason, but it's about time for society to accept that people come in all shapes and sizes. This must start from within each and every one of us.

    It is of some comfort that many will vote with their wallets.

    1. QueenCherry: Thank you for leaving a detailed and certainly very interesting comment. I couldn't agree more with your points, these are the reasons we post such blogs to bring these debates and situations to the forefront of everyone's mind. We strongly feel as you mentioned: There is nothing wrong with 'self-improvement' if they make one feel better about themselves, the important thing is to have confidence in how you look and feel regardless of your shape, size, height or ability.

      We thoroughly support any campaign that says as much and encourage ladies & gentlemen out there to help us drive such an opinion forward.

      Any further comments on this matter most welcome!
